Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Septimius Severus (b. at Leptis Magna inAfrica, 11 April, 146; d. at York, England, 4 February, 211.)
Severus came from a family that had become Roman citizens. In his career as
an official at Rome and in the provinces he had been favored by the Emperor Marcus Aurelius. In the reign of Commodus he was appointed legate of the fourth legion on the Euphrates; this gave
him the opportunity to become acquainted with affairs in the East. He married
Julia Domna, a member of a priestly family of Emesa, who was the mother of Caracalla and Geta.

Julia Domna, wife of African roman emperor Lucius
When the Emperor Pertinax was killed by the mutinous soldiers at Rome, Severus, who was then governor of Upper Pannonia,
was proclaimed emperor at Carnuntium by the legions on the Danube. The fact
that the leaders of the troops in the eastern and western parts of the empire
were at once ready to follow him is evidence that Severus himself had shared in
the conspiracy against the dead emperor.

Fight near Nisibis. Herodian does not mention how Severus expelled the
Parthians and lifted their siege of Nisibis.
Severus had clear political vision, still he cared nothing for the
interests of Rome and Italy. He nourished within himself the Punic hatred of the Roman spirit and instinct and furthered the provincials in every way. He was revengeful and cruel
towards his opponents, and was influenced by a blindly superstitious beliefin his destiny as written in the stars. With iron will
he labored to reorganize the Roman Empire on the model of an Oriental
despotism. The troops in the East had proclaimed as emperor the capable
governor of Syria, Pescennius Niger. the legions in Britain, the governor Clodius
Albinus. On the other hand the soldiers in Italy and the senators came over to the side of
Severus; Julianus, the prefect of the Pretorian Guard, was executed.

Severus rested his power mainly upon the legions of barbarian troops; he
immortalized them upon thecoinage, granted them, besides large gifts of money and the
right of marriage, a great number of privileges in the military and civil
service, so that gradually the races living on the borders were able to force Rome to do their will.

Septimus` victory coin
The Pretorian Guard was made into a troop of picked men from the
provinces; in the first years of the emperor's reign their commander was the
shrewd Caius Fulvius Plautianus, who exerted a great influence over Severus.
After making careful preparation for the decisive struggle, and having secured
his opponent in Britain by the bestowal of the title of Caesar, Severus entered
upon a campaign against his dangerous rival Niger. He defeated Niger's subordinate Ascellius Æmilius at Cyzicus and Nigerhimself at Issus. He then advanced into Mesopotamia, established the
new Province of Osrhoene and the new legion called the Parthian. He divided
several old provinces into smaller administrative districts. After this, while
at Antioch, he declared war against Albinus and returned to Europe by forced marches. In 197 the decisive battle
was fought with Albinus near Lyons in Gaul. Albinus had under him the legions of Britain, Gaul, Germany, and Spain, yet in spite of severe losses Severus was the
The triumphal Arch of Septimius Severus stands in the Roman
Albinus was killed, his adherents were utterly destroyed in a bloody
civil war, and their property was confiscated for the emperor. The common
soldiers received the right of entering the Senate and the equestrian order.
For the greater security of the imperial power the Parthian legion was
garrisoned upon Mount Alba near Rome. Severus went to Asia a second time, traversed the countries on the
Euphrates and Tigris, strengthened the Roman supremacy, and gave the natives
equal rights with the Italians. He then went to Egypt where he granted the City of Alexandria the privilege of self-government. During the
reign of Severus the fifth persecution of the Christians broke out. He forbade conversion to Judaism and to Christianity. The persecution raged especially in Syria and Africa.

Severus captures Ctesiphon. Herodian appears to have understood this as a
picture of the siege of Hatra ("engines of every type were brought up to
the wall")
In 203 Saints Perpetua and Felicitas and their companions suffered martyrdom at Carthage. The emperor returned to Rome for the celebration of the tenth year of his
reign, erected the triumphal arch that still exists, and strengthened his hold
on his hordes of mercenaries by constant gifts of money and the bestowal of
favors detrimental to military discipline. The Senate was replaced by the Consistorium
principis, one of the members of which was the celebrated jurist Papinian.
Although he had suffered for years from rheumatic gout, Severus went to
Britain, where trouble had broken out, in order to give occupation to his sons,
who were at deadly enmity with each other. He restored Hadrian's Wall, and
strengthened again the Roman power in
Emperor Lucius Septimus Severus the African
Emperor Lucius Septimius Severus
was the first of the soldier emperors and is
counted among the 100 Great Black Britons.
He first adopted an official career and became a civil
magistrate, later he became a military commander, and this took him to Rome. He
proved to be an able and popular military leader, and after the murder of
Marcus Aurelius' son Commodes, Septimus, supported by the provincial legions,
made good his claim to the imperial throne of Rome in AD193. He quickly
defeated and killed Rome governor Clodius Albinus in a great battle in Lyon in
France, and became emperor of Rome.
This coin commemorates the victories of Septimius Severus over the Picts in
what is now Scotland. These victories led to the construction of the Severan
Wall, north of the more-popular Hadrian's Wall.
He rebuilt and restored Hadrian's Wall and gave Britain a century of peace;
throughout his life he never lost his taste for African cooking. When he first
entered Britannia, he was welcomed and hailed as the deliverer from the Gauls
and Germans who continually pillaged and ravaged the island.
He quickly drove the aliens back across the English Channel, and gave Britannia
semi-autonomous home rule status. In 208 AD, he supervised, refurbished,
repaired and upgraded the mechanical defence system of Hadrian's Wall. In 211
AD, Septimus Severus died in York, of pneumonia at the age of
The Black Romans
Genetic evidence
It was recently suggested that African DNA might be found to be present in the
local populations near to Hadrian’s Wall.
However, this would not conclusively show that the Black Roman soldiers on the
wall intermarried with the local population because of the problem of
Admixture is a process whereby the DNA of a population becomes diluted over
time and it cannot be shown at what period in time that dilution took place.
African Legacy
During his time in office, Septimius Severus legalised marriage during military
There is also evidence that that some Black Romans married, had children, and
remained in Britain after their tour of duty.

Gold Aureus of Septimius
Skeletons unearthed in a Romano British Cemetery outside York revealed the
limb proportions of some of the men suggested that they were Black Africans.
Perhaps they might be considered to be Britain’s first Diaspora people, making
Cumbria the birthplace of Black British history?
Lucius Septimus
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