Alexander Pushkin is usually credited with developing Russian literature and is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet.

Although the vast majority of African Americans are unfamiliar with Pushkin's monumental works, most students of literature are at least aware of his "Blackamoor of Peter the Great," an unfinished romance which relates the biographical data of the poet's great-grandfather, Ibrahim Petrovitch Gannibal his black great-grandfather.
Some early critics wrongly suspected that Pushkin attempted to aggrandize the African lineage of this black forebear by playing up the family tradition that he was an Ethiopian princeling. However, Pushkin certainly did not need to embellish his ancestor's own personal history. For the accomplishments of Ibrahim Petrovitch Gannibal are proof of what any man - despite his colour - could rise to, given the opportunity. Ibrahim was treated as no less than a member of the royal family at court and, in the biographical notes on him written either by his wife or by someone in her family shortly after his death, the following statement is made:

Although, as we now realize, no Blackamoor at any 18th century European court was merely decorative, in Ibrahim's case, Peter's expectations for him were as loaded with responsibility as those he would have had for his own son. If he was the Emperor whose patriotic duty it was to drag Russia spiritually and intellectually out of its Byzantine backwardness and into the future of the Enlightenment, then it would literally be Ibrahim's responsibility to care for his adopted country's physical formation and his defence of it. In 1717 the young blackamoor was sent to France for an education in both civil and military engineering.
Of Pushkin's children only the lines of Alexander and Natalia continue. Natalia married Prince Nikolaus Wilhelm of Nassau, and their grand-daughter, Nadejda, married into the British royal family (her husband was the uncle of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh). The descendants of the poet now live around the globe: in Great Britain, Germany, Belgium and the United States.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Pushkin
Alexander Pushkin the black Russian was way ahead of his time and produced contemporary works such as:
- 1820 – Ruslan i Lyudmila (Руслан и Людмила); English translation: Ruslan and Ludmila
- 1820–21 – Kavkazskiy plennik (Кавказский пленник); English translation: The Prisoner of the Caucasus
- 1821 – Gavriiliada (Гавриилиада) ; English translation: The Gabrieliad
- 1821–22 – Bratya razboyniki (Братья разбойники); English translation: The Robber Brothers
- 1823 – Bakhchisaraysky fontan (Бахчисарайский фонтан); English translation: The Fountain of Bakhchisaray
- 1824 – Tsygany (Цыганы); English translation: The
- 1825 – Graf Nulin (Граф Нулин); English translation: Count Nulin
- 1829 – Poltava
(Полтава); English
translation: Poltava
- 1830 – Domik v Kolomne (Домик в Коломне); English translation: The Little House in Kolomna
- 1833
– Andjelo (Анджело); English
translation: Angelo
- 1833 – Medny vsadnik (Медный всадник); English translation: The Bronze Horseman
- 1825–32 – Yevgeny Onegin (Евгений Онегин); English translation: Eugene Onegin
- 1825 – Boris Godunov (Борис Годунов); English translation: Boris Godunov
- 1830 – Malenkie tragedii (Маленькие трагедии); English translation: The Little Tragedies
- Kamenny gost (Каменный гость); English translation: The Stone Guest
- Motsart i Salyeri (Моцарт и Сальери); English translation: Mozart and Salieri
- Skupoy rytsar (Скупой рыцарь); English translations: The Miserly Knight, The Covetous Knight
- Pir vo vremya chumy (Пир во время чумы); English translation: A Feast in Time of Plague
- 1828 – Arap Petra Velikogo (Арап Петра Великого); English translation: Peter the Great's Negro, unfinished novel
- 1831 – Povesti pokoynogo Ivana
Petrovicha Belkina (Повести покойного Ивана Петровича Белкина); English translation: The Tales of the Late Ivan Petrovich
- Vystrel (Выстрел); English translation: The Shot,
short story
- Metel (Метель); English translation: The Blizzard, short story
- Grobovschik (Гробовщик); English translation: The Undertaker, short story
- Stanzionny smotritel (Станционный смотритель); English translation: The Stationmaster, short story
- Baryshnya-krestyanka (Барышня-крестьянка); English translation: The Squire's Daughter, short
- 1834 – Pikovaya dama (Пиковая дама); English translation: The Queen of Spades, short story
- 1834 – Kirdzhali (Кирджали); English translation: Kirdzhali, short story
- 1834 – Istoriya Pugacheva (История Пугачева); English translation: A History of Pugachev, study of the Pugachev's Rebellion
- 1836 – Kapitanskaya dochka (Капитанская дочка); English translation: The Captain's Daughter, novel
- 1836 – Puteshestvie v Arzrum (Путешествие в Арзрум); English translation: A Journey to Arzrum, travel sketches
- 1836 – Roslavlev (Рославлев); English translation: Roslavlev, unfinished novel
- 1837 – Istoriya sela Goryuhina (История села Горюхина); English translation: The Story of the Village of
unfinished short story
- 1837 – Yegipetskie nochi (Египетские ночи); English translation: Egyptian Nights, unfinished short story
- 1841 – Dubrovsky (Дубровский); English translation: Dubrovsky, unfinished novel

- 1830 – Сказка о попе и о работнике его Балде; English translation: The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman
- 1830 – Сказка о медведихе; English translation: The Tale of the Female Bear (was not finished)
- 1831 – Сказка о царе Салтане; English translation: The Tale of Tsar Saltan
- 1833 – Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке; English translation: The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish
- 1833 – Сказка о мертвой царевне; English translation: The Tale of the Dead Princess
- 1834 – Сказка о золотом петушке; English translation: The Tale of the Golden Cockerel

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