Question to Nelson Mandela
How Can We Obtain
Responsible Government?
This Question comes from Seth:
Dear Madiba
I am glad you came back (to Earth) to give hope and aspirations to your people and the global community as a whole. When you left this plane, I was SAD and Happy at the same time. Sad because the voice of moderation and your presence will be dearly missed, but Glad because you had left the body that constrained you on this plane while in pain.
I have a simple question for you. In my early schooling, I excelled in the physical sciences and math, but ended up studying natural sciences in higher education because I thought that is what Africa needed the most. However, because of successive brutal regimes, after graduate school I was not able to practice my science in Africa.
Perhaps the Divine has a plan for me to return to Africa, and that one day we will have responsible government. Can you help us, along with your Heavenly Brothers/Sisters, to soften the hearts of those in Africa who are killing their own people and forcing some of them to commit suicide, trying to escape to greener pastures.
Thank you, Madiba
Mandela Speaks to Seth
My son, your words are full of truth. However, be filled with hope and enthusiasm. Africa is awakening. Slogans such as “Africa for Africans”and “The African Dream” are appearing. Love is in the air. Groups are forming; plans are being made for construction of roads, housing, schools. Within a few months Africa will receive funding, as will all people on Earth.
May I urge all Africans, wherever they are, to form small groups according to their special skills and interests. Plan ahead. Plan now to improve living standards when funds come. Plan that each family will have land on which to grow their own food. Plan to supply computers to all families throughout Africa.
Only by all the people expressing, will change come. You, Seth, have superior intelligence and will do well.
Be at peace. I am Nelson Mandela.
Recorded and transcribed by Nazira,
A telepath who lived several lives in Africa
This series is
copyright, with permission to share complete messages,
We are asking for African volunteer translators wishing to join us in this big ‘joint-venture’ with Tata Madiba.
Many thanks in advance, You are dearly welcome.
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